Friday, September 25, 2009

Future postings

Some of the topics which I hope to write about in the future - (maybe a couple each week):

- how to deal with kids falling in love .. romantic relations
- how to punish kids in a way that fosters positiveness
- how to instill the love of Allah in kids' hearts
- the importance of being a role model for the kids. They will do as you do, not as you say.
- how (and when) to talk to kids about sex
- how to discipline kids without breaking them
- how to raise kids who are leaders, not followers - while at the same time not living in chaos at home.
- the difficulty, importance, and techniques, of controlling anger at home with the crazy kids
- public vs private schools
- compare Islamic school education to public school
- books my kids are reading
- raising kids is a very effective way to grow the individual (teaching parents patience, dealing with people, management, growing others, sacrifice, maturity, team-work, selflessness, how to influence others without brute force, how to be sneaky in a positive way, etc..)
- In some situations, a parent can be the good cop, and the other parent, the bad cop.
- what is more important : that the kids love the parent, or that they come out very good?
- "balance" in life (home, work, spiritual, activism, etc..) is important, but also very relative. It depends on some important factors per person (how much support you are getting from home, difficult your job is, what phase in life you are in (old or young), how old are your kids, what opportunities you have in each category).
- How to use online videos to learn Arabic (cartoons as a tool to teach Arabic)
- when is it better not to help your kids, and when you should leave them to make a mistake.
- they say that many of the great leaders in the world had very strong mothers, and very distant fathers. Is this True? Why is this the case?
- share some of my personal experience and challenges growing up in America.
- the crucial (make it or break it) role of the grandparents. How to keep them engaged in the most positive way. How to "work with them" so that you are all on the same page. Importance to grandparents for healthy kids.
- Specific Examples from the life of the prophet on how he raised his kids, and how he dealt with kids.
- what's a good TV policy ?
- what are some good movies and how to find them?
- the importance of sports for kids - on many fronts.
- where can I find supplementary educational material for my kids; and how to use the internet for real cool educational material (for instance on youtube).
- The importance of giving kids what they want, especially if what they are asking for is good. "Later", they may not have the same interest.
- Book reviews : Good parenting resources

Topics I need more information about
- how to help kids become more organized
- which books are good for teenagers
- How to become your teenage-child best friend (ok, just a friend will do).
- many, many more (can you help?)

What you can do :
1- share topics that you are interested to write about and post on this site
2- share topics / questions that you would like to see written about / addressed
3- share an experience with your parents (or kids). I can post with your name or anonymously

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